Monday, 26 December 2022

Only a Fraction

Only a fraction“. It’s a phrase that is in very common use. What does it mean?

A quarter, an eighth, fifteen sixteenths or maybe seven sevenths?  Or is it even vulgar, like twelve tenths?  

After a long investigation, taking only a fraction of the time, and using only a fraction of the resources that a prestigious university would use, I have found the answer.

Actually there are two meanings

  1. The writer or speaker does not have a clue about the real figure, and can’t be bothered to find out.
  2. The writer or speaker does not want you to know the real figure.

 I can now state categorically, and without fear of contradiction that:

  • Only a fraction of our MPs are not imbeciles.
  • Only a fraction of our security services are not in the pay of the Kremlin
  • Only a fraction of our journalists are not employed directly or indirectly by Donald Trump.
  • Only a fraction of our energy payments do not go straight into the personal bank accounts of the directors and shareholders of Shellenergy.

It’s a handy phrase, and one that can be used, if you are bothered, (only a fraction are actually bothered)  without actually telling lies.

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