Friday 12 April 2024


So, 12 days ago I wrote that we were considering documented scooter rides in Cornwall, when it stopped raining.  Well, after a couple of named storms, it finally stopped.  But today I drove the scooter into the street. Then when I tried to bring it back in, it wouldn't start.

So I pushed it into the garage and put the battery on charge.  After 15  minutes charging it started. I suspect the battery at three and a half years old is the problem so I have ordered a new Motobat one on line from Tayna.

A few hours after a full charge,  the open circuit voltage was 12.3V. That is too low.

Today the weather is wonderful, it's 20C, but I'm not really happy to take the scooter out until the new battery is fitted.  The forecast shows the temperature dropping over the weekend, then back to 11C by Monday and Tuesday. This is when the new battery will arrive.

I also forgot that the Address has a kickstart so I could probably have used that when the battery was flat.  As long as there is enough power for the fuel pump it should start on the kickstart.

If I had not got my sore hip, the BMW would be MOT'd and taxed and we could have went on that. The hip is getting better, as the weather gets worse. Maybe I can re-book it next week.

One lives in hope.

But we had a wonderful walk on Polzeath Beach with Meg (our dog).


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